Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm Back

Well, surgery wasn't so bad, it's what comes after that sucks! I was virtually ignored in the hospital by the nurses, tank goodness I wasn't more critical!! And then I got home and got very sick.
I had a staph infection in one of the laproscopy sites.
See, I kept running a high fever, so I went into my doctor's office, and they took blood and stuff, took the staples out of the incision sites, and sent me home. A few hours later, the whole front of my shirt was soaked in puss and blood. And talk about stink! That was the staph infection. Doc said drainage was good, we wanted to get it all out...but he didn't have to smell it! And he gave me antibiotics.

So here I am a week later, and the infection is about gone. Most of the aches are gone too, though there are still some. But what gets me is that I still get so tired so fast. It seems like if you feel better, you should be better. But getting back to work Monday, I was only 3 hours in and was ready to go back to bed. I'm sure by the time we close down for Christmas, I'll be back to normal! :-) (That's on the 22nd and goes through the 2nd of January!)

Story Idea!!

I have an idea drumming around in my head, and I'd like to go with it. I don't really want to tell you what it is, but I had to say it in hopes that it would get me moving on actually writing again. It's been so long since I had any creative flashes...we're talking years...I thought it was over for me. So nag me about it so I'll start getting it down on paper...well computer screen...and maybe something will come of it for a change.

And hey, to all of you out there:

If you are looking for a way to be charitable this holiday season, donate to my site and all donated funds will go to buy Christmas presents for kids on the Giving Tree. These are all the foster kids in my region in Idaho. We hope to give them all a wonderful holiday!!

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