Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I Need a New Picture

So I have another blog called Tales from the Angel Retreat and I take distant pics of my kids for the header. But I don't know what to do for January. It's dreary and inversiony here, the kids are back at school, any ideas? I'm asking for help. Let me know if you can think of something fun and creative for a January header. Thanks.

So what else? Um, I'm back at work. I made a New Year's resolution, did you? I resolved to write a book...the one I have an idea for, and have written like two paragraphs of. I never finish stories, how am I going to finish a whole book? I need to do this. I finally finished college (a year and a half ago) and it felt great to accomplish I need to do this. I guess I'm just not really a very goal oriented person. Does that mean I'm pretty well content with my life, or just lazy? Probably the latter.

I talked before about my mom, and how scared she is about whatever is wrong with her right now. Well, she still hasn't gone to the doctor, and I can't seem to get her to go. I think she's even more scared than I'd originally thought. But at this point, she can hardly breathe...fluid builds up around her lungs and restricts her ability to breathe...and she needs to get it taken care of. I don't know why she hasn't put this at the top of her priority list. If she still hasn't called them today, I'm going to kidnap her and take her to the quick care just to get the ball rolling at least. With all her problems, you'd think she'd be the last person to let something like this go.

I'll sign off now. Thanks for reading!
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Gabriela said...

I think I have seen your other blog before in the battle of the blogs. I don't have any ideas for the header. I guess another picture you take from your kids in January would be good. Meh, I have no idea.

About your New Year's resolution I think it's a good one, better than most. And I'm sure that if you really want to write a book you will do it. =)

I hope your mom's fine. =)

Nice blog by the way.


Pauline Evanosky said...

Brownies come to mind...and a glass of milk. I'd read anything that had a picture of brownies.

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