Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tell Me Your Secret

I was lying in my bed last night thinking about all of you. And I was wondering, where do you get the time for everything? When I started blogging, I was writing 4 times a week. And I was surfing on three different traffic generators just to get traffic. I was working full time, and raising 6 kids. And suddenly I was sacrificing everything else. Those were the ONLY things I was doing. Then I began missing I love to read and used to whip through a coupld thick novels a week. I also spent time with the kids and their hobbies. We had family movie night and games and popcorn. But it takes so much time to surf these traffic generators...who has time for anything else anymore? So I'm making some changes. I am not writing on my blogs as much. I'm also not surfing as much. And my blogs have felt the decline in traffic, but they will survive. I need to read, and I need to spend time with my kids again.

How is it that so many of you are able to do everything else AND blog? What's the secret (besides buying credits)?

4 comments: said...

One of the things I had to cut back on was is really time consumming if you keep up with Blog Rocket and making challenges on Battle of the Blogs, as I have been doing again lately.

I noticed that I didn't spend near as much time on here if I dropped or reduced my play.

However, in the beginning, BE was important in find new friends who read me and I read them. But my blogroll has enlarged so that it takes over an hour to just read the new post. I started using Bloglines so I didn't have to surf as much for new post, but almost everyone I like read post daily or some 2 or 3 times daily.

You can't do it and you can't worry too much about hits. You write because you like to and let the rest come as it may. After all, you'll never get rich doing this so just satisfy yourself. said...

P.S. You have to get out and do other things or your bottom will grow to your chair. I hike and meet friends, go to concerts, and travel as well as blog.

You'll gain as many readers from commenting as you will any other way. But, be sincere and only comment if you are truly interested in the subject and have something interesting to add to the "cyber" conversation. If not, read and move on - don't just comment to be commenting unless you like the page and would like to part of their community. Remember, each blog is a member of a specific community wheather they realize it or not. Surf some of their blogroll to see if you like their interests as well.

Sorry...didn't mean to preach...been accused of that a time or two.

Gabriela said...

Hah, I would like to know the secret too. =)

Sweetpea said...

I started my blog just to satisfy my family and friends overseas on the everyday life of my little one. Just last month I was introduced to the mad world of paid blogging. Yes it is fun to see money trickling into my Paypal account, but guiltily, friends started commenting there are too many adverts to it. After giving it some thoughts, I slowed down on that and realized I shouldn't be so money driven as to lose the identity of my blog.
Getting online was just for fun then, but it came to a point where I tried to do it every moment I can, forsaking those little moments like making dinner a little more special. Or getting my normal 7 hours' sleep.
I like your blog. Hope to be in touch.

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