Thursday, March 15, 2007

5 More Minutes!

OK, my whole life I've been living with Daylight Savings, and it has never affected me much. In fact, I usually scoff at those who complain that they are having trouble getting used to the new time. Come on, it's an hour. When we travel we usually travel to a different time zone, just one hour difference either way, and it isn't a problem. So why should Daylight Savings be a problem? It shouldn't, IT'S AN HOUR DIFFERENCE, NOT 3, 4, 5 HOURS DIFFERENCE.

Then what's my problem? All this week I've had trouble getting out of bed in the morning. This can largely be attributed to the fact that I'm having trouble going to sleep at night. It seems that no matter how tired I am at night, which is increasingly more each night, I can't get to sleep before midnight, and when that alarm goes off at 6:00 in the morning, I want to huck it across the room. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!!

I can only say, and this is becoming a theme to this blog, that I am getting old. Why am I having to suddenly face the increasing number that is my age all of a sudden. Did I tell you my mom offered to let me use her tube of Preparation H? old can I possibly be anyway????

By the way, I gave up popcorn for Lent, and I think it's getting to me. Did you give anything up?

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