Wednesday, March 7, 2007

When Did I Get Old?

OK, so I'm not ancient or anything, but in any given moment, I still feel the same as I did when I was 22, I'm watching 40 coming fast, barrelling down on me like a freight train.

Why can't I feel it, I ask myself. Then I look at my medicine cabinet and I see it. Calcium supplements, extra strength multi-vitamins, St. John's Wart, sleep aids, immunity boosters, glucosamine, Protonix, allergy pills, allergy nose spray, allergy eye drops, bulk bottles of ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Aleve. I take more vitamins and supplements than I ever thought possible just to keep the "minor" aches and pains away. Not really minor because they have the ability to keep me from sleeping at night.

I've had a complete hysterectomy, so needless to say, my child bearing years are behind me. I can't stand listening to the music coming out of my child's room, and the radio station I listen to most often plays "classic" hits from the 80's and 90's. When did those two decades become the era of classics? Good grief, I remember the threat of the Soviet Union, and my grown children don't even know what the Soviet Union is. My brother was telling me about a time when his wife's nieces were over and saw his album collection. They asked him to play one for him, and when they took it out of the cover, they asked which side goes up?

I know, everyone goes through this. Just, when the reality hits that it's happening to you, it takes a toll. It's like teenagers thinking they are invincible. I think that feeling lingers until now...I finally don't feel invincible anymore. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe other people hit this sooner than I did. Or maybe each generation hits this realization later and later.

I just remember when my mom was this age, I thought she was so old and wise. Why don't I feel old and wise now?

1 comment:

Deek Deekster said...

it's never too late to feel young and stupid!

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